Large Black Hogs
Update 2/15/25: Now taking reservations for Spring 2025 litters! Breeding stock and waitlist only for feeder piglets.
Helping Save an Endangered Heritage Breed!
We're thrilled to add this rare breed of British pig to our farm! The Large Black is a critically endngered breed of heritage pig, and we have selected excellent foundation breeding stock to help preserve and improve the breed.
Like our Gloucestershire Old Spots, Large Blacks are excellent foragers with exceptional mothering skills, making them ideally suited for raising their litters on pasture.
Their meat is succulent and richly marbled, producing tender, moist cuts with incomparable flavor.
We are members of the Large Black Hog Association and Large Black Pig Breeders United, and sell breeding stock as well as feeder piglets. Please contact us early to reserve!
We also occasionally have GOS/LBH crosses, which some argue produce pork that surpasses the quality of either breed alone. Plus, they don't come cuter than black pigs with white socks and pink noses!
Registered Large Black Hogs
Litters arriving spring 2025
Now taking reservations

Taking Reservations!
Large Black and LBH/GOS cross available spring 2025
Reservations for spring 2025 feeders are full (waitlist only)

Introducing. . .
Registered Large Black Gilt
River Bard Farm Prudence 2/4 9624
Born 9-25-22
Butter is a friendly, gorgeous sow, added to our breeding program!


Greener Days Defender 28/1 9596
Description: Sirius is a goofy, friendly boar with a curious and outgoing personality. He follows us around, walking right alongside us, hoping for extra ear scratches or an opportuntity to squeak his nose against your rubber boot. He's super easy to handle, and we love his laid-back personality. He sired his first two lovely litters of little Large Blacks in September 2022.

Greener Days Prudence 27/9 9597
2021 Sow
Description: A lovely, long and well muscled gilt, Pickles is goofy and an excellent forager, often found in the far reaches of our silvopasture searching for nuts the other pigs might have missed. She farrowed for the first time in September 2022, producing a large healthy litter.

Greener Days Defender L55.10-151
Not for sale
Description: A handsome young boar, we are excited to have Regulus as the newest additon to our Large Black herd. We look forward to seeing his offspring in Spring 2024.

Greener Days Warbler 25/3 9598
Not for sale
2021 Sow
Description: Always the first to meet us at the gate, Poptart's the boss lady in our LBH herd. She's calm but strong-willed, and loves to play with her GOS bestie, "Betsy". She produced some beautiful piglets for us in September 2022.

Greener Days Warbler J19.2-170 / 19/2 9500
Not for sale
2021 Sow
A gorgeous sow who arrived at our farm with her sister, we are looking forward to the arrival of Baby's first litter on our farm Spring 2024.