Icelandic Sheep
The whole package: meat, wool and milk!
Update 10/14/24: We have an couple exceptional ram lamb still available as well a proven ewes - they would make a great starter flock.
Please contact us early to get on our list for the 2025 lambing season!
Our flock of registered Icelandics is helping us reclaim pasture along the Deerfield River, as well as providing us with unique 2-fiber wool and gourmet-quality lamb.
They are ideally suited for our climate, and the grassfed lambs are raised only on mother's milk and high quality pasture.
We begin taking lamb share reservations in August after we've made breeding stock decisions, and have a limited number of registered lambs for sale each year. We can usually put together a great starter flock or two every year.
2024 Lambs
Our Flock

RBF 2024 Ram Lamb "Maui"
FOR SALE - $700
Color: Moorit Gray Mouflon
Born: April 2024, twin
Sire: Knockout
Dam: Jinx
Description: Fast-growing lamb from milky lines. Solid conformation, fine abundant fleece excellent muscling, strong legs, and a great temperament. Our best ram lamb of 2024 could make an excellent addition to your flock, and is ready to start working this fall!

Kind Horn Ram B4H 403K -"Knock-Out"
Color: Black Mouflon
Born: 4/9/22
Sire: Kind Horn Ram B6H 323J
Dam: Kind Horn Ewe 01H 335J
Description: Knock-Out is a very gentle ram who has passed on his wide horn set, powerful stance and muscling, and abundant fleece to his offspring. He is a pleasure to work with and has sired some amazing lambs.

KFM 402D - Carmen
Color: Black Gray
Born: 4/2/16, twin
Sire: KFM 396C-[CAN 716362]
Dam: KFM M3H335B-[CAN]701061-H
Description: Carmen has a medium build and is a devoted mother. She raised two rams in 2019 which grew large and evenly, and is an attentive mother and easy birther. She is timid but not difficult to work with, and has good parasite resistance. Carries morrit and badgerface.
Lambing Record: 1, 2, 2, 2, 2

River Bard Ewe M54SH 16J "Jinx"
Color: Spotted Moorit Mouflon
Born: 4/19/21, single
Sire: Hjoker
Dam: AFB EWE 1H - Harley
Description: This flashy, fast-growing ewe has all the charcteristics we value most in our flock, including an astounding growing rate, excellent muscling, and lovely fleece. This pretty lady will joing our breeding ewes, and we look foward to seeing her genetics in future lambs. She has shown the best worm resistance of all our 2021 lambs.
Lambing Record: 2, 1

River Bard Ewe B2H 10K - Kassi
& 2024 Ewe Lamb "Muffin"
Color: Black gray
Born: 7/8/22
Sire: River Bard Ram M2H 03J Julian
Dam: KFM Ewe B24H 518F Chloe
Description: Kassi lambed with ease and is a very attentive mother. She has fine, soft, abundant fleece and has grown her lamb well. She and her lamb can go together any time and would make an excellent addition to you flock!
Lambing record: 1

2024 Kind Horn Ewe M620
Color: White
Description: Registration pending
Lambing Record:

River Bard Ewe M2H 04J "Jenny"
Color: Moorit-Gray
Born: March 2021, twin
Sire: Greenheart Ram M32H 180H Havoc
Dam: KFM Ewe B2H 402D Carmen
Description: Havoc and Carmen were quite the pairing in 2021. We are keeping both Jenny and her brother, who will join our trio of breeding rams. They are both very long and sturdy, with an excellent horn set and very heavy fleece. They have grown more rapidly and evenly than any other set of twins on our farm, and have excellent conformation and steady temperaments. We expect Jenny will have the milkiness and mothering abilities of her dam, and both lambs have shown good parasite resistance through a very wet summer.
Lambing Record: 1

KFM 307A - Oswego
Color: Morrit Gray
Born: 4/9/13, twin
Sire: FAV RAM 01H6Z-[CAN]676571-H"Fergus"
Dam: KFM Moki 138W-[CAN]645213-H
Description: "Ozzie" is getting up in age, but she is a grand old dame who still leads the flock. She produced triplets for the first time in 2019, and again in 2021. She is an excellent and very experienced mother with a dominant personality and a fine fleece. She's the most intelligent of our sheep, and has excellent conformation. Carries black-gray and spotted.
Lambing Record: 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2

Hirsch's 2022 Ewe Lamb - "Kiss"
Color: Black badgerface
Born: April 2022, single
Sire: Julian
Dam: Hirsch
Lambing Record:

RAM AFB O5J - Justin
Color: Black mouflon
Born: 4/4/21, twin
Sire: Hjoker
Dam: Chloe
Description: Justin has fine, curly fleece and a steady temperament. He is fast-growing, strong-legged and solid. He has the potential to be a lovely flock sire and pass on these excellent traits. Carries spotted and gray.

AFB EWE 8H - Helen
Born: 4/18/20, twin
Sire: AFB RAM 01H 1G - Galvin
Dam: KFM O1H 307A - Oswego
Description: Helen is a twin black gray lamb out of moorit-gray ewe "Oswego", who has some of the best conformation found in our flock. Oswego's 2019 ram lamb was retained as flock sire, and this young ewe shows promise already. She gave birth easily to a single black-gray ewe lamb on her first lambing. Lambing record: 1

AFB EWE 01H 3G - Gemma
Color: white
Born: 4/4/19, twin
Sire: Kind Horn Ram 906E Ovid (see above)
Dam: KFM 481E - Snow
Description: Like her mother, Emma is tall and leggy, with a straight back and nice conformation. We will be retaining her, and hope she has inherited the good parasite resistance and easy birthing qualties of her dam.

River Bard Ewe B3H 01K- Karma
Color: Black Badgerface
FOR SALE: $650
Born: 4/14/22
Sire: River Bard Ram M2H 03J Julian
Dam: KFM Ewe B3H 481E
Description: Karma has shown excellent parasite resistance has medium-length, abundant wool and strong legs. She gave birth to her first lamb, a moorit mouflon, with ease.
Lambing Record: 1

Kind Horn Ram M615 "Maverick"
Color: Black Badgerface
Description: Registration pending
Lambing Record:

Color: Black (solid)
Born: twin
Description: Holly is beautiful solid black ewe lamb from Kind Horn Farm. She has exquisite, fine wool, a fiery personality, and lovely conformation. We are happy to add this gorgeous girl to our flock. She is a devoted, gentle and patient mother, and grows robust, lambs with an impressive growth rate. Carries gray.
Lambing record: 1, 1, 1, 2

River Bard Ewe M5H 04K -"Kannoli"
Color: Moorit
Born: April 2022, single
Sire: River Bard Ram M2H 03J Julian
Dam: Kind Horn Ewe B5H 233H Holly
Description: A lovely moorit sheep exhibiting all of the characteristics we value most: broad and deep body, excellent muscling, wide horn set, abundant fleece, strong legs, and a fast growth rate. She has an incredibly sweet personality to boot!
Lambing Record: 1

Color: Black - solid
Born: 04/06/2023
Dam: Jinx
Description: The sweetest little lamb we've ever had, Lavender is an affectional clown and an entertaining addition to our flock.

2024 Kind Horn Ewe M620
Color: White
Description: Registration pending
Lambing Record:

KFM EWE B3H 481E - Snow
Color: White Baderface
Born: 4/6/17, single
Sire: BRH Lake B23SH 001Y-[CAN]703611
Dam: KFM Bluestem B5H 111U-[CAN]636029-H
Description: Named Snow for her thick white fleece, she is one of the tallest and longest ewes we've ever seen, with strong straight legs. She is a protective mother, delivers large lambs effortlessly, and raises them evenly. Carries spotted and badgerface.
Lambing record: 2, 2, 2, 3, 2

AFB EWE 1H - Harley
Born: 4/02/20, twin
Sire: AFB RAM 01H 1G - Galvin
Dam: KFM EWE B24H 518F - Chloe
Description: Harley is a friendly lamb from a black-gray mouflon with lovely, voluminous wool. She shows good length and has a very level topline and balanced frame and muscling. Carries spotting.
Lambing Record: 1

EWE AFB 07J - Jewel
Born: 4/07/21, twin
Sire: Havoc
Dam: Hirsch
Description: Jewel is Jade's twin sister, and has the beautiful conformation of her 2020 half sister, Hera, with a perfect blaze down her face and striped horns. She has voluminous yet fine wool like her dam, Hirsch. She is lively and independent, and friendly with people and other lambs. Carries gray, spotting, moorit.

River Bard Ram B2SH - Hjoker
Born: 4/10/19, singleton
Sire: AFB Ram B2SH 2G "Gabe"
Dam: KFM Maya B2H 445E
Description: Hjoker was a monster of a lamb, who was over 12 lbs at birth. Maya's singleton was a stocky, fast-growing lamb, and has passed these qualities on to his progeny. He stands on strong, straight legs, showing excellent rump and shoulder muscling. To boot, he's the gentlest of rams, and follows us around the pasture like a puppy, waiting for nose and chin scratches.

Color: Spotted Black Gray
Born: 4/4/19, single
Sire: KFM M4H Kameli 544F
Dam: KFM Chloe
Description: Daughter of homozygous gray "Chloe" and Knoll Farm morrit ram "Kameli", Gwen was a surprise "bonus lamb.' She has a lovely fine silver fleece like her grandmother, Oswego, and golden cream tones like her mother. She has grown into a lovely yearling and has a compact build and a sweet disposition.

AFB EWE 3H - Hermione
Born: 4/08/20, twin
Sire: AFB RAM 01H 1G - Galvin
Dam: KFM EWE B3H 481E - Snow
Description: Hemione is a white ewe lamb out of our tallest ewe, Snow. She is growing quickly, and nicely balanced, showing good length as well as height.

River Bard Ram M2H 03J "Julian"
Color: Moorit-Gray
Born: March 2021, twin
Sire: Greenheart Ram M32H 180H Havoc
Dam: KFM Ewe B2H 402D Carmen
Description: This guy is special enough to make the cut and join our trio of breeding rams. Just look at those horns! In addition to an excellent horn set, he has grown as big as his sire in just six months, has supurb muscling, length, and structure, lovely moorit-gray fleece, and overall is just beautifully put together. He has produced some of our fastest-growing lambs, who are stocky, fast-growing , and have lovely fleece.

KFM EWE 01H 478E - Hirsch
Color: White
Born: 4/11/17, twin
Sire: Grnheart ram 01H CFM 34C
Dam: KFM 01H Butter 280A
Description: Hirsch was a Knoll Farm favorite, the last daughter of Butter, and we are lucky to have her. Stocky yet balanced, Hirsch has the heaviest yet softest fleece of all our ewes. She has excellent parasite resistance to boot, and is motherly toward the other ewes. She gives birth easily and quickly without assistance. She is best friends with Maya, her half sister, whose mischievousness has rubbed off on her. Very milky and grows lambs evenly. Carries badgerface and spotted.
Lambing record: 2, 2, 1, 1

KFM B2H 445E Maya
Color: Black Gray
Born: 3/29/17, twin
Dam: KFM B2H279A-[CAN]693751
Description: A real "wild child", this ewe is convinced she is still a lamb. She can leap a 4-foot fence in a single bound (whaaat?!), and is a real handful when it comes to shearing and hoof trimming. She has abundant soft fleece, is a good mother, and produced triplets on her first lambing. Maya is our milkiest ewe by far, sharing the stocky body type of her half sister, Hirsch. She exhibits some of the best parasite resistance in our flock. For her second lambing, she had a giant (12.2 lb!) single ram, "Hjoker". He is growing at a tremdous rate and benefiting from the full share of mother's milk. Carries spotted.
Lambing Record: 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1

Kind Horn AI Ewe 01H 4412K Kalypso
Color: White
Born: 4/15/22
Sire: Tvistur 14-988
Dam: Nerdherd Blackie B5H 09C
Description: A beautiful addition from Kind Horn Farm, Kallie has a high percentage AI genetics, gorgeous creamy fleece, and straight, symmetrical and well muscled conformation. We can't wait to add some of her lambs to our flock.
Lambing Record:

River Bard Ewe B3SH 7H - Hera
Born: 4/18/20, twin
Sire: AFB RAM B2SH 2G - Gabe
Dam: KFM O1H 478E - Hirsch
Description: Hera is a black spotted badgerface, and is daughter of the ewe with our flock's best fleece, with hers showing some of the same qualities already. She is calm and curious, and reliable gives us one ram lamb each year.
Lambing Record: 1, 1, 1, 1

River Bard Ewe B32SH 02 Jolene
Color: Spotted Black Badgerface
Born: 3/26/21, triplet
Sire: Greenheart Ram M32H 180H - "Havoc"
Dam: KFM Ewe B2H 445E - "Maya"
Description: A triplet ewe with a calm, kind personality, excellent horn spacing, Jolene is wide-bodied and well muscled. Carries moorit and gray.
Lambing Record: 1, 2

KFM EWE B24H 518F - Chloe
Color: Black-Gray Mouflon
Born: 4/4/18, twin
Sire: Trinity AI Ram B4H 719C "Kistu"
Dam: KFM Io B5SH 241Y
Description:This ewe has lovely soft and fine fleece that is almost a silver color. She is heavy on AI lines, including Grabotni, Gramann, and Blettur. Her first lamb has her unusual coloring as well, with golden tips to her wool. She is calm and quiet, and fairly easy to work with. She also has very nice conformation, and good mothering skills. Carries spotted, solid, moorit, white and gray.
Lambing Record: 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1

KFM EWE B4H 501F - Constance
COLOR: Black Mouflon
Born: 3/29/18 , twin
Sire: Trinity AI Ram B4H 719C "Kitsu"
Dam: KFM Kate 434D
Description: Hands down, the sweetest sheep ever! She follows us around like a dog, and loves pets and scratches. She came to us pregnant with a surprise lamb, and even though she is a smaller ewe, lambed easily and without assistance. She is a devoted mother and cares for all the flock's lambs, even nursing another inattentive ewe's singleton. She has a beautiful soft black fleece, which makes up for in fine texture what it lacks in volume. Carries morrit, gray and badgerface.
Lambing record: 1, 1, 2

AFB EWE 08J - Jade
Born: 04/07/21, twin
Sire: Havoc
Dam: Hirsch
Description: Jade is white with phaeomelanin, giving her the lovely light cream color of her dam, Hirsch. Her wool shows the same fine quality as her mother's, and she is friendly and curious, with a slightly finer build than her dam. Carries gray, spotting, moorit.

Greenheart Ram M32H 180H - Havoc
Born: 3/31/20
Dam: Greenheart "Fern"
Description: Havoc is a morrit gray badgerface from great lines. He has an excellent, wide horn set and fine fleece with a long body and well placed legs. He has sired fast-growing lambs and passed on his superb wide horn set and gorgous soft moorit fleece. Fun fact: his granddam from Dancing Lamb Farm, won Grand Champion ewe lamb fleece! He's super smart and his intellegence gets him trouble - thus the name!

AFB RAM 01H 1G - Galvin
Born: 4/4/19, twin
Sire: Kind Horn Ram 01H 906E "Ovid"
Dam: KFM 402 D "Carmen"
Description: Galvin was fast-growing as a lamb and has solid stature, a strong rump and loin muscling, stands on strong legs, and shows good parasite resistance. He has produced very solid lambs with the same qualities. Carries spotted and badgerface.

AFB RAM B2SH 2G - Gabe
Color: Spotted Black Gray
Born: 5/1/19, triplet
Sire: BRH Lake B23SH 001Y
Dam: KFM 307A Oswego
Description: Gabe is certainly a keeper. He is a stocky ram who stands on strong legs and has the excellent confirmation of his dam, Oswego - the best overall ewe in our flock. Gabe has excellent muscling and is well balanced. He grew quickly even as a triplet, and is showing a thick fleece with fine texture and excellent parasite resistamce- everything we could ask for in a sire. His first season he threw badgerface, spotted, moorit, and white. He is the sire of Hjoker, or all-time favorite ram.